This is 8 Best Polish Movies on Netflix: The Coldest Game (2019), Fanatyk (2017), Women of Mafia 2 (2019) – Kobiety mafii 2, The Cruise (1970) – Rejs, Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema (1990) – Ucieczka z kina ‘Wolnosc’. Polish Movies are not much famous all over the world but Netflix picking the amazing Polish Movies on Netflix.
If you are interested to watch Polish Movies and want to learn the Polish language then this is a great chance for those who are looking for Polish films. This is amazing. I hope you will like it, after watching these movies. Well, Here is the list of Movies that You Don’t Want To Miss.
11 Best Polish Movies on Netflix
1- Sala samobójców. Hejter Aka The Hater (2020)
A small but sinister arc is etched out for the lead character – Tomas, who gets thrown out of his law college for plagiarism (for which he pleads innocence). The actor’s eyes are particularly emotive, conveying tons of emotions with silence. The editing and the camera work precisely take longer pauses where it needs to and cuts-away when needed as well.
The writer/director duo make no excuses with regards to how mass mobs, ethnocentric nationalists are portrayed. The movie has depth and remarkable insight.
2- The Coldest Game (2019)

Bill Pullman is terrific in the lead and the supporting cast is also very good most especially Lotte Verbeek and Robert Wieckiewicz. It is very much worth watching even if it plays loose with the history of the Cuban missile crisis. This was an excellent movie, mostly because I love Bill Pullman! As to whether or not it was true is questionable.
The realities encompassing it are. This is a quite decent Spy Thriller revolved around a Chess Game set simultaneously as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Bill Pullman is normally incredible at whatever point he plays these particular characters, and there are sufficient winds in the film to keep the crowd nervous.
3- The Art of Loving. Story of Michalina Wislocka (2017) – Sztuka kochania. Historia Michaliny Wislockiej

Michalina Wislocka, the most well known and perceived sexologist of socialist Poland, battles for the option to distribute her book, which will change the sexual coexistence of Polish individuals until the end of time. Michalina Wisłocka composed a book that made a huge difference. But before “The Art of Loving” conquered the native book market and revolutionized the sexuality of the PRL.
Its author had to go a long way. The famous gynecologist spent years breaking the conservative customs and scuffling with soulless censorship. The story of the creation of “The Art of Loving”, List of Polish Movies on Netflix, by Michalina Wisłocka is the story of the sexual revolution in the PRL version.
4- W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt Aka Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)
Like another user giving 5 stars to fight against the inexplicable flurry of 1 star reviews. 4 stars legit though, very entertaining throwback slasher flick with all the trimmings. If you’re criticizing the plot holes or character motivations maybe this genre just isn’t for you. Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine. It’s a great horror movie if you just want to turn your brain off and enjoy the entertainment.
5- Escape from the ‘Liberty’ Cinema (1990) – Ucieczka z kina ‘Wolnosc’
During the screening of the film “Dawn” at the Liberty Cinema, film characters out of nowhere wake up and start to converse with the watchers. The circumstance shocks socialist specialists who send a control to the theater. Starring: Janusz Gajos, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Teresa Marczewska, Piotr Fronczewski, Władysław Kowalski, Michał Bajor, Jan Peszek, Ewa Wiśniewska, Jerzy Bińczycki, Artur Barciś.
6- Women of Mafia 2 (2019) – Kobiety mafii 2

Patryk Vega’s film industry hit ‘Women of Mafia’ recounts to the account of Bela, a previous cop, who is entrusted with invading a famous criminal medication ring by the ABW (Poland’s counterintelligence organization). I hope you like it Polish Movies on Netflix. For her strategic success, she should get under the skin of this risky black market, taking a chance with her own life all the while.
7- Fanatyk (2017)

The Fanatic (Fanatyk) is a short film with the notorious great bones – while it skilfully satisfies its reason over the distributed, lean, half-hour running time it’s anything but difficult to envision its components adequately cushioned out and stretched out into a work of progressively significant extension.
Furthermore, it’s not a basic poke at the piece, only a sign that this basic set up, motivated by a famous copypasta, easily grows out of the proposed group.
8- Plagi Breslau Aka The Plagues of Breslau (2018)
So you have to. read subtitles because you don’t speak or understand Polish. so what? This is one of the best movies given its story, characters, tension, twists, and ending. It’s is a very brilliantly written thriller with some thrill moments, first 30 Mon will keep you engaged after that in-between becomes a little slow.
9- 300 Miles to Heaven (1989) – 300 mil do nieba
The exhibitions by Klata and Zimowski were quite strong for the most part considering they were moderately youthful on-screen characters. The remainder of the cast was, Polish Movie Netflix, for the most part, fine and dandy.
The composing was alright. I preferred how the film felt very grounded in authenticity, particularly the different dirty minutes that Grześ and Jędrek experience on their experience. Only a disgrace that the film felt quite monotonous and now and again cheesy in its enthusiastic pinnacles, making it hard to think about what was happening during the film.
10- The Cruise (1970) – Rejs

A negligible five minutes over full-length runtime The Cruise packs a ton in on the double, meeting up as a spoof of the entire socialist system and Polish society at that point. This is List of Polish Movies on Netflix. The political edge infrequently supersedes the happiness regarding the film, commended by an awesome cast of for the most part non-on-screen characters and questions. Rich with the political moral story.
11- Jealousy and Medicine (1973) – Zazdrosc i medycyna
Tormented by doubt, a representative recruits a cagey tailor to follow his significant other’s whereabouts with her primary care physician just to send his psyche further down avoid. This is all about 11 Best Polish Movies on Netflix You Don’t Want To Miss. You will visit this website for more information.