Are you looking for the Best Romanian Movies on Netflix then Here is the list of Netflix Romanian Movies. 1- Complet Necunoscuti Aka Perfect Strangers (2021), 2- Balanta Aka The Oak (1992), 3- Love Sorry (2022), 4- Oh, Ramona! (2019), 5- The Father Who Moves Mountains (2021) – Tata muta muntii, 6- #Selfie (2014), 7- Selfie 69 (2016). Romanian is not famous for very good Movies and TV Series but you still have a chance to learn the Romanian language.
Here are the 20 Best Romanian Movies on Netflix that you need to watch right now. Netflix is one of the biggest networks that provide with u amazing movies, tv-series, and dram, as and special shows. If you are a subscriber of Netflix then this is a great chance for you to watch these good movies.
20 Best Romanian Movies on Netflix
1- Complet Necunoscuti Aka Perfect Strangers (2021)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
This film has been screened in numerous nations, yet it has been it is adapted by each country to their style, country, and more. It’s more than a duplicate, it’s simply the way it was intended to be! Although it is a remake of a fantastic film, it’s the Romanian version, and it’s great. It’s hard to come across excellent Romanian movies.
The film has an excellent script, paired with amazing overall acting. It is full of emotional laughter (big like in the final scene) and some pretty funny jokes, and some drama. The film is satirical about the relationship between couples and families, as well as the hidden truths of society and social judgment. This is one of the best Romanian Films on Netflix. The Romanian approach was intriguing and the result is that this version is rated higher than that of the first (Italian).
2- Balanta Aka The Oak (1992)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
Society is always a mess, and pretty useless in all aspects. The way we look at the way people behave in confinement-like conditions is more interesting. This will lead me to the following assertion: living under an oppressive regime makes a distinct line between the ruling class and the masses. It emphasizes the true values, but they have to be hidden because of the paranoid nature of the authorities.
The film is what is known as the Romanian variant of Kusturica’s Underground or maybe it’s that it is the reverse, since Balanta may be a different work. The fast-paced, frantic tale is brimming with surreal and bitter irony moments. This is not a Hollywood film. It is a slice of reality, and there’s nothing glamourous about it.
3- One Step Behind the Seraphim (2017)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
It’s an excellent story about maturing in a specific and harsh setting as well as friendship and discovering yourself. A fantastic film that is a shift in the way in which these topics are dealt with in Romanian cinematography. It’s nice to see a film that doesn’t make a big deal of the current state of Romanian society over the past 30 years and instead attempts to tell a true story.
4- Dupa dealuri Aka Beyond the Hills (2021)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
A dark and tense story of faith, love, and the power of God and the absence of God gradually penetrates the mind of the viewer in such a way that the director and screenplay Cristian Mungiu for more than two hours convince the viewer of redemption. Based on a true story – a term that covers a lot of areas is the slow-burning, long-winded Romanian movie Beyond the Hills.
5- Ana, mon amour (2017)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
Ana, Mon Amour (Anna My Love) is a Romanian drama that is based on the Romanian novel called Luminata, My Love. In many ways, it’s a classic European art-house production that tells a short, intense love story, extremely emotional scenes, leaps into the time frame, and some philosophical and religious discussions between scenes as well. The plot was not as deep however both actors were able to perform well. Through jumping from scene one in the same time, you never actually become acquainted with Ana Toma and Toma and are only able to glimpse a small portion of their relationship. Hope you like these Best Romanian Movies on Netflix.
6- Love Sorry (2022)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
The film follows the classic pattern of romcoms, with characters looking for love, facing obstacles, and trying to find solutions to overcome these obstacles. Characters with a clear and defined character, real-life dialect, and a great addition that they shot it at Iasi City. The character who was jealous was incredibly hilarious and well-acted. The fortune-teller scenes were amazing.
The album had just the right quantity of twists that make the experience enjoyable throughout. Mihail’s music makes great music. The flamenco band was great. The chemistry between the lead singers is intense and their lively humor will have you smiling from to ear. The plot is well-written and enjoyable and includes a few unexpected twists and twists that keep the story exciting.
7- Ghinionistul Aka Unlucky (2022)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
A comedy that is low budget with a basic premise, the down-on-his-luck protagonist, and his series of unfortunate incidents, Ghinionistul made me laugh or smile through it. This review is about the atmosphere that was a lot of fun to watch in this unique feel-good film, which has lots of good intentions and fresh ideas, though they’re not always were realized.
8- Bacalaureat Aka Graduation (2016)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
The Romanian “New Wave” isn’t that fresh anymore. In the past decade, Romanian directors were able to impress juries and audiences with their films about the challenges of living under the Communist dictatorship and the subsequent period and period that brought repercussions of the dictatorship during the extremely difficult transition that Romania is currently experiencing.
Philosophers from all times have debated the issue of the relationship between ends and meanings as well as the distinction between right and wrong and what is good or bad. Others believe that it’s appropriate to act in an approach that results in positive outcomes, regardless of whether it is in line with the rules of society. This is Romanian Movies on Netflix. It’s a form of revenge and recovery, both from an artistic and also an attitude perspective.
9- Coboram la prima Aka Beside Me (2018)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
It’s all very realistic and, even though the action occurs in a less constrained space train, or a metro, however, it does not deviate by displaying action or vital realities of daily life. The characters are real, and you can grow with them, even if it’s only just for a brief period. If you’re open to love and compassion, you’ll likely resonate with the story and its general message. It’s simple, yet profound.
10- Charleston (2017)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
Ioana Ana, the main character in the film “Charleston” written by Andrei Cretulescu appears on the screen for the first few minutes of the film. The main focus of the film concerns Ana’s absence. In her life, we discover the two people who were there. They were their husband (played by Serban Pavlu) and her lover who stayed with her for the last several months (Radu Iacoban). They meet in bizarre circumstances and attempt to deal with the loss of their lives due to Ioana’s disappearance.
Spanish Movies on Netflix
11- De ce eu? Aka Why me? (2015)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
“Why me” has strong acting and a fascinating story, particularly because it is an actual story. The story begins in 2002, 13 years following the uprising of Romania and the demise of communism. However, for the justice system in this country, it is as if there was no revolution. At the top of the Prosecutor’s Office, Romanian Movie Netflix, there is the scent of socialism.
The former, who was a new prosecutor in Bucharest was pressured by the Bucharest prosecutor to launch the criminal investigation of the other local prosecutor in Oradea. Lele was the one who ordered the arrest of the son of a local political bigwig, for involvement in a petrol Smuggling Ring. The political implications of the incident were enormous in an era that could be described as one of one the worst times for legal systems in post-communist Romania.
12- Oh, Ramona! (2019)

Aside from the super messy plot and bad acting, the cinematography and video editing of the movie itself was just horrible. Like there was this random clip of Ramona imitating a puppy and it made me cringe all over. The movie is a mess from the jump and gets worse as it progresses.
The movie feels like a nerd-turned-fratboy hit the pipe too hard with a couple of his boys and threw together the script while they gave every little idea they made up a shaky thumbs-up. This isthe best Romanian Movies on Netflix. Watch anything else but this movie.
13- The Father Who Moves Mountains (2021) – Tata muta muntii
“The Father Who Moves Mountains” (“Tata Muta Muntii”) is a Romanian film that is streaming on Netflix that boils down to its conclusion. What you think of the way it ends comes to define everything that followed it. In this review will discuss how great the film is and how the ending affects the overall experience. Should you go to the theater? If you’ve never seen it, there’s something you should be aware of.
“The Father Who Moves Mountains” is best described as a drama, not a thriller or story of suspense. The film opens by introducing Mircea (Adrian Titieni) and his second wife who is pregnant with their very first baby. There is tension in their couple due to Mircea’s erratic mental state.
14- Lumea e a mea Aka The World Is Mine (2015)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
The film is plagued by the same issues as all Romanian films. It is an extremely real-life portrayal by exaggerating (up to an extent) the mental and social problems in Romania. It is based on the same formula as each other Romanian film that has been released over the past two decades – you are aware that it is an accident, you’re sure that it will be a disaster, but you cannot look out of the film.
It’s true that it’s an extremely unpredictably “rebellious teenage girl’s descent into hell” story. This is amazing Romanian Films on Netflix. It’s a genre of Romanian film that tackles many issues because it fits perfectly with festivals. Indeed, this was awarded the top prize at the two major Romanian festivals, which implies that there are some who believe that the director could turn out to be the successor of Porumboiu as well as Puiu.
15- #Selfie (2014)
Karen Gillan and John Cho star in ABC’s new fall parody a report on My Fair Lady from Suburgatory maker Emily Kapnek. I hope you will love it, after watching this movie, I highly recommended you to watch this movie.
16- Love Is A Story (2015) – Un dar pentru tine
Starring: Dragoş Bucur, Raluca Aprodu, Duct Darie, Mimi Brănescu, Mirela Oprişor, Vlad Zamfirescu, Ionuţ Bora, Gabriela Popescu. Are you looking for a romantic Romanian movie then I suggest you watch this movie because in this movie you will see the story of love? I hope you will love this List of Romanian Movies on Netflix, This is amazing.
17- Caini Aka Dogs (2016)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
The landscape plays an important part in the film Dogs (Caini) one of the very first feature-length films by Romanian director Bogdan Mirica. Visuals, in fact, along with the acting are the main roles in the film, which differs from other films that are watched on screens that are commercials or at festivals. Some might say that this is in opposition to the narrative, however, there are some intriguing elements to the story too.
The whole film is an experience of its own. The majority of thrillers today seem like cheap remakes that over-emphasize things to get you to an exciting point or simply assume that their audience is dumb.
18- Selfie 69 (2016)
Selfie 69 is a Romanian film, and its sequel Selfie. In a relationship that is broken Three young ladies decide to bet on who will be the first to marry within three days. After a painful breakup three friends looking to celebrate decide to bet on Who will become the first to be married in just three days?
A film that has all the energy and confidence of a hilarious Hollywood comedy Selfie 69 has got some great laughter here and there and a plot that, in comparison to others of its kind is less tense than you’d imagine. In addition to its main theme, it doesn’t have much else to write about even though there are moments of heartfelt drama the middle, however, the film is unable to be a hit or be a funny comedy, or something that is slightly more focused and interesting.
19- War Dogs (2016)
The Director of the “Hangover” saga has turned the page with his film “War Dogs”, based on an actual story. The film is a story of a 25-year-old man David Packouz (Miles Teller) who works at an establishment that offers massages in Miami. When his co-worker Iz (Ana de Armas) confesses to him that she’s pregnant The boy, concerned about his financial status is referred to his long-time acquaintance, Efraim Diveroli ( Jonah Hill ). They will form an entity to handle the trafficking of arms in Iraq by negotiating an agreement between an agreement with the US government.
2- Pozitia copilului Aka Child’s Pose (2013)
Available in: Netflix Romanian Movies
In Pozitia Copilului (Child’s Pose) the Romanian cinema appears to be completing the cycle that began almost 10 years earlier when it released Moartea Domnului Lazarescu (The Death of Mr. Lazarescu). The journey has been marked with a variety of awards at major cinema festivals across the globe including the first ever candidacy of the Romanian film to win one of the Academy Awards, but more significant is the recognition from the public that Romania is among the places where the most intriguing films come from, and also that they have has a distinct style.
A haunting slide-of-life drama made in Romania, “Child’s Pose” explores the tensions between a mother who is middle-aged and her son who is now an adult set in the backdrop of a tragic human tragedy.
It won’t make you feel that you’ve seen the same screamy American film a hundred times before. This is the list of List of Romanian Movies on Netflix. In some ways, this is probably the worst aspect that could be said about a movie that is made based on a true tale since life isn’t boring when you live it, particularly not when you’ve lived in such a way that Hollywood has listened to yours. Story and purchased an option to tell the story again.