Are you looking for the Best Italian Movies on Netflix? Then In this Article, you will see the List of Italian Movies on Netflix like Watch Out like, Era Ora Aka Still Time (2023), The Invisible Thread (2022), My Name Is Vendetta (2022), Jumping from High Places (2022), Robbing Mussolini (2022), We’re Mad (2022), Natale a tutti i costi Aka The Price of Family (2022). This Italy faces many problems like COVID-19. This is really bad news for everyone all over the world. But People are busy watching Netflix Shows, Dramas, and Movies.
Netflix is one of the best platforms for those who are looking for amazing movies, TV Series, and Shows. I highly recommended to those who are looking for the good one. Yes, Italian Produces amazing movies but most of the movies look dramatic. Here is a List of Italian Movies on Netflix.
Best 28 Italian Movies on Netflix
1- Era Ora Aka Still Time (2023)
Still Time offers many lovely moments that stress how important family is. But it’s a tiring and often tedious trip to reach the best things. Although there’s a lot of predictability, the story is still able to deliver powerful punches to the gut. This isn’t a science-fiction film, so it doesn’t explain the time-traveling journeys. It it’s not even transparent when it comes to traveling through time, but there is a reason and that’s the primary message of the film.
The most irritating aspect of the character is his inexplicable stupidity about dealing with people who have had experiences that he is not aware of. It’s initially reasonable, but he could be able to recognize the issue after an extended period. It is equally irritating to see the reactions to those that are part of his life the moment they come into contact, especially the person who has been his most loving companion along with his younger brother. This is one of the best Italian Movies on Netflix.
2- My Name Is Vendetta (2022)
Absolutely not the worst Italian-made film. The story was believable and the acting was decent, but the role of Sofia was not always easy to accept and at times seemed to be acting too much. The film was KO. The daughter was somewhat upset, but according to the storyline she was only 18. This isn’t how the Sicilian mafia operates in other films. The best film about feudal life. The plot is interesting and has a twist that allowed me to consider it an excellent film.
3- Natale a tutti i costi Aka The Price of Family (2022)
The film was directed and written by Giovanni Bognetti, who adds an edgier style than the French original. It also shifts to a different environment, and culture, and most importantly its tone transforms this comedy into a serious one. The storyline caught my attention. Parents feel left out by their children in adulthood. Parents want to be with them more often and spend time with them. Adult children are focused only on themselves.
4- Ancora piu beautiful Aka Still Out of My League (2021)
Still Out of My League is a great film that at times isn’t sure of the quality of its production and causes the directors to use routine plot twists that are often employed in less engaging films. It’s the second installment of the Italian Out of My League trilogy. It is part of the exciting and lively trio of Marta, Frederica, and Jacopo following Marta’s split with Arturo.
There are constructed dramas as well as things that shouldn’t be a problem at all however they work in the sense that they help to keep the movie in place. The main storyline isn’t the sole reason for this, but rather a secondary story that is worthy of the”out of my league” title. Without this story, hope you like this Popular Italian Movies on Netflix, the film would have been weak.
5- Watch Out, We’re Mad (2022) – Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo
The film was enjoyable The storyline was fantastic. I had no idea about the character Mr. Rosa, or the Rose Island. Thank you to Netflix for bringing us this amazing historical piece. The archive should have been preserved as an archive item or as a helpful framework for future students. This was unjust destruction. An extremely entertaining film that did a great job of telling a story that was impossible to be real. The film from its beginning until the very end presented a wide range of Italian traits that haven’t altered since 1960. They were ironic enthusiastic, determined, and sometimes Italian-crazy. The outstanding acting of Luca Zingaretti and Fabrizio Bentivoglio shows Italian comics at their finest. Highly recommended.
Rose Island is a very different film that is quite distinctive in its own way. It’s so bizarre that it’s incredible that it’s based on a true story! or even based on one. The story was however huge it was a must-read tale to teach us something that we can easily forget.
6- Four to Dinner (2022) – 4 Metà
It’s fascinating how the story reveals the probable scenario in all four scenarios – either with or without each. I loved the film. It’s unique, different as well as keeps the viewer guessing, and is heartfelt in many scenes. All four actors did a fantastic job. My favorite of them was Giulia.
The film was a joy to watch. It’s unique, different that keeps your attention and is heartfelt in numerous scenes. The four main actors did a fantastic job. They’re currently in the middle of another. What’s more, the wear identical clothes, which can be somewhat confusing since it may imply this is a continuation of the earlier scene.
It’s a relaxing movie that’s easy to watch and light. It’s fascinating until the final scene! Will certainly recommend it. A romantic and enjoyable film that offers stunning perspectives of Rome. This is Netflix Italian Movies. The acting is excellent. It would be ideal If they could make the movie 10 minutes shorter, but it’s the norm nowadays and to make longer films. It reminds us the viewer that everything is possible and even a minor event could alter the course of a person’s life.
7- A Classic Horror Story (2021)
A Classic Horror Story: Southern Gothic but this film is set in the South of Italy and also the Gothic transforms into Folk Horror. It has elements of pastiche in this film since a number of classics are mixed together – a group of carpooling are involved in a crash. When they arrive, they’re in their campervan, but it’s in a wooded area. There is a house that has been abandoned where they can find photos of the Pagan religion that worships three knights who assisted them during a time of hunger. There is also evidence of barbaric rituals inside a mini-Wicker Man they see a woman who has her tongue cut off.
Then comes the fun the cultists in hordes wearing masks made of bark and animal skins perform the ritual. Some very disturbing scenes are shown when ears are cut off eyes are cut out, ears cut off and sacrifices are performed as the full-size Wicker Man is revealed. There are influences in this film from the Wicker Man series, Midsommar along with a movie from the year 1975 Race With The Devil but ACHS has its own unique qualities and puts its distinctive stamp on the film. The film takes a bizarre twist and has plot twists that take the story in a more odd direction as we enter to the world of meta-horror. Although it’s not an original, it’s certainly worth a watch. Co-Directed/Co-Written by Roberto De Feo and Paolo Strippoli.
8- The Invisible Thread (2022)
The dramatic comedy that is based on characters remains completely engaging from beginning to end. The Invisible Thread has its moments, but the mix of humor and drama is way too rough to recommend. A well-intentioned, enjoyable mess of a show, one that will give you fuzzy feelings even in the event that it falls off the thread at least once, twice, or three times throughout the course. The story is well-written and sincere. This is one of the Italian Comedies on Netflix. The editing and story flowed well into the background music is very well made sense. I also thought that the acting was very good by every person in the story.
9- 18 Presents (2020)
A mother’s relationship with her kid is so extraordinary. Those 40 weeks of being inside her. That is the thing that it makes the bond so unadulterated and This is amazing Italian Movie Netflix. The story made me remember a few minutes with my mom. Ordinarily with her is astonishing despite the fact that we contend now and again however in the end we both love each other monstrously.
Magnificent film and gets back the estimation of connections and lament. One of only a handful few great films. Flawlessly made film. Francesco Amato worked really hard of coordinating this genuinely filled film.
10- Ultras (2020)
“The #MeToo movement caused an increase in films about toxic masculinity, I wonder if the studios have missed the point entirely & are now celebrating instead of giving it a critical eye. Ultras had me questioning what the creator’s point was & my own enjoyment in it.” A good one on Netflix: Ultras. A fiction that tells the realpolitik of the Neapolitan bars.
It tells the story of Sandro, the leader of the bar brave Apaches of the Nápoli club, who at 50 years old seeks to leave this world aside. One of Netflix’s recently beautiful works Ultras. Telling the life story of an old Napoli ultras fan who left the tribune. It is watched without getting bored when it comes to football. It was very nice to see the Italian ultras culture in all clarity.
11- The Beast (2020)
The essential entertainer depicted his character well. The cop’s difference in conviction ought to have been clarified more. The child’s difference in disposition was satisfactory after he saw the tape from his dad’s military coat. It’s less emotional than taken, all the more quick story driven, the creation is acceptable, there’s actually nothing to despise about it.
12- The Ruthless (2019) – Lo spietato
Tell you what’s worth watching on Netflix – The Ruthless/Lo spietato. It’s a bit like an Italian version of Goodfellas. Riccardo Scamarcio and Sara Serraiocco are both especially good at it. Stream It Or Skip It: ‘The Ruthless’ on Netflix, Italian Movies on Netflix, a Familiar Italian Mobster Saga Boasting Period Mullets.
If you’re in the mood for a feel-good movie, it’s now on Netflix. I hope you will love this Best Italian Films on Netflix, after watching this amazing Movie.
13- The Last Paradiso (2021) – L’ultimo paradiso
Excellent Movie! Really enjoyed it! Surprise! Ciccio didn’t get the devil beat from his town’s inhabitants, or even his father before. The end is an example of families from the past in several areas. One brother was expected to get married to the widow of his dead brother should it be it was possible. Hope you love this List of Egyptian Movies on Netflix. It was a family issue and someone was expected to look after her and her children. This was just a matter of fact. Another reason Antonio got married to her was that the father of her and her brother; therefore it was his responsibility to ensure their wellbeing. Fantastic cinematography that has evocative rural hues so that countryside scents flow off the screen.
The plot is scattered and the fantasy scenes are not as polished and the cliches come down swiftly and with a loud crash. The true story of an American soldier and record player’s life and love in the aftermath of the war. Antonio had his hair dyed black and meticulously.
14- The Man Without Gravity (2019) – L’uomo senza gravità
This movie ends with a good message. It was sensitive, touching, realistic, and well-acted. An easily forgettable movie. Nice simple concept, everything was so simple, beautiful, and natural. Worth watching only climax is not matching to the story. I loved the movie. The emotion, the innocence, the good feelings.
These movies really hark back to the past of good ol’s storytelling. Such depth of characterization and love. Loved the lead actors and supporting cast too. The script in areas belittles the actor’s potential and gives us the impression of a low budget movie.
15- Under the Amalfi Sun (2022) – Sotto il sole di Amalfi
This Italian comedy-drama revisits the young lovers from Under the Riccione Sun (2020) to examine their relationship one year after. The sudden appearance of her husband Roberto awestruck Irene and caused Lucio to think about whether she was truly involved in their relationship. If he decides to leave the scene, she tries to retrace his steps with the assistance of Roberto and informs him she is committed to their bond. She could also have an emotional moment of scolding her ex.
16- The Life Ahead (2020)
The group cast is totally ideal for each part and the film accomplishes what they all need to accomplish. What better approach to show your mom love than to guide her in likely her last film execution? Life Ahead IMHO is her most befitting job as Earth Mother. Sophia Loren is so wonderfully moving and surprising in a job that was made back in 1978’s French film Madame Rosa with the amazing Simone Signoret.
This film dominates on each level. A passionate masterpiece delegated execution from octogenarian Sofia Loren who’s had a celebrated lifetime that traverses seventy years. She’s a marvel to watch.
17- Robbing Mussolini (2022)
It’s pure formula, with a hint of wit here and a great old-fashioned car chase. The pace is so quick through its scenes that you might not be able to take a moment and consider how unstructured the plotline is. In numerous ways Renato De Maria’s Italian version of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.
It is a historical film-based fiction piece where the plot focuses on the actions the story of Mussolini along with the Italian Fascists as the foundation for the plot. A group of people discover an idea devised by Mussolini to escape Italy and take wealth as the war draws to an end. The plan is to steal the gold and escape the picture h and free the men. The film is well-written as well as shot and directed. Filmmaking and costume design are impressive. The acting is excellent. Matilda de Angelis, the protagonist in The Undoing, a show on HBO The Undoing, is very competent in this.
18- Forgive Us Our Debts (2018) – Rimetti a noi i nostri debiti

There are more verve and vitality to Forgive Us Our Debts than I was expecting by one more film about a man in budgetary pain falling into the existence of wrongdoing. There are better motion pictures, Italian Movie Netflix, yet you could do a ton more regrettable. Dull Italian dramatization has some savagery, reviling.
19- #Anne Frank Parallel Stories (2019)
Discovered some new details of the story of the removed French as well as Italian families, but the tales are not very well presented. I would recommend watching it is amazing to see an innocent girl parade through the camps and ponder Anna as to whether she could be living in the present day with her thoughts. A great source of education for schools. The stories of survivors contribute to the story of the Shoah. It reminds me that each person is worthy and strong. The people who complain about the way things are today do not have experienced real suffering.
Beautiful documentary film. Weepy beautiful, emotional Helen Mirren is a star to watch anyone of any age, race, or nationality, Italian Movies on Netflix, lest we forget that European Christianity allowed the slaughter of people. It tells the tale of Anne Frank her diary and the children who survived.
20- The Binding (2020)
It’s quick-moving, tense with extraordinary exhibitions. I prescribe it to individuals that like repulsiveness without a doubt on my best 5 blood and gore flicks. Great Horror Movie without the “Buzzwords”. The length is an adept for such a class. The Movie is direct to its story.
21- Rose Island (2020)
The film was acceptable, however, the story was stunning. Knew nothing about Mr. Rosa, or Rose Island. Netflix for bringing this exceptional piece of history. Be that as it may, I figure the Italian government ought not have annihilated the design totally. Ought to have kept it as a chronicle material, or as a significant construction for understudies.
That was silly devastation since it wasn’t quite sensitive. Full of Italian Comedy Movies on Netflix. The jumpers’ etchings on a piece of that construction were amazing.
22- Yara (2021)
It is a must-see if one would like to experience this kind of film. Excellently directed and does respect to the plot that is the real story about a missing teenager. The investigation is so real, and it felt as if they were actually happening in front of me. The acting was amazing, and the prospector showed that she must continue with this investigation and demonstrated how effective she really is.
The Movie was so enjoyable that it made me smile because they found her killer and he was a victim of what was happening to him. The main investigator or actress was in the right place she made her point and collected the information. The person who played her killer was very good at trying to show innocent. The whole tragic story is truly sad yet it’s certainly worth it, and I’m glad that the police and the police officers cooperated. If they had done the way they did in real time, criminals and murderers would be caught quickly.
23- On My Skin (2018) – Sulla mia pelle
Great movie based on true events. Do not miss this one. The brutal beating inflicted upon Cucchi was chilling. It underscores the masochism that thrives in so many police departments across the globe. Alessandro Borghi as Stefano performed superbly. At certain points, his portrayal of the police brutality and its after-effects was a punch in the gut.
It is a brutal, dark, and stark tale of how the system is abused by people in power resulting in unimaginable loss! List of Italian Movies on Netflix, Alessandro Borghi as Cucchi is absolutely brilliant in his performance and you can feel his pain feel bad for him.
24- Jumping from High Places (2022)
The film is credited with dealing with the issue of living with anxiety however, it is not much more than the fact that it does. The film is superficial in extreme it’s more of a teen romance than a struggling adult struggling with an illness. It’s a summery beautiful color palette. A sweet film that many people can identify with people who are suffering from anxiety.
One of the most memorable scenes for me was one in which One of the women tells Sole she’s shocked to hear that Sole is suffering from anxiety when she normally behaves, is having a quiet time, and has amusement. Sole’s response is that anxiety doesn’t always require you to hide and cry the whole day. It’s a myth that is widely believed, people believe that people who suffer from anxiety are always scared of everything and completely lack the ability to communicate. However, it’s a myth and this film depicts it excellently.
25- The Two Popes (2019)
26- 365 Days (2020)

The two of them had such force! One that must have a subsequent arrangement would even be AWESOME, that was one of those endings that must be proceeded and ideally certainly have Laura get by, after all she’s conveying his infant! It has such a lot of energy and force between these marvelous entertainers!
Adored the film perfectly organized and depicted. It gave me a nostalgic inclination that is pretty much like all consuming, instant adoration. This film obviously characterizes how you can’t handle an individual to experience passionate feelings for you yet most likely you can respect,protect and give them an opportunity to clear their head making them falling head over heels in love for you eventually through your activities by demonstrating the rational soundness of your expectations.
27- The Hand of God (2021)
The film was true to the heart. In contrast to the story of La Grande Bellezza, the film presents an intimate image of the city it is situated in Naples. The film is real and felt, but not always beautiful, but places that the writer knows about because he’s lived them in his own way. The scenes of family life feel real and keep you riveted to the screen. The philosophical themes scattered throughout the film’s themes of suffering, life, success, and coming of age is a true masterpieces.
The cinematography is stunning. Some scenes are gorgeous. The story is well-written and simple to follow. It’s bittersweet, sweet emotional, tragic, intense, and exuberant all simultaneously. The title itself is delightfully clever. It is highly recommended, especially for a more mature crowd.
28- Natale a 5 stelle (2018)
Christmas is approaching. An Italian political delegation, led by our Premier, is on an official visit to Hungary. 5-star Christmas, an original Netflix movie. The Prime Minister is on an official visit to Hungary. This is Italian Movies on Netflix. With the lover. Which is part of the opposition? Everything under control. This movie is highly recommended for you to watch.
A journey through the lens of the current pontiff, the film nevertheless presents a superb contrast between emeritus and habitus. Anthony Hopkins’ physical, almost corporeal portrayal makes the Teutonic Benedict likable and endearing, while Jonathan Pryce’s Francis is closer to the ground than what the esteemed position has required of pontiffs for two millennia.
The movie also presents excellent arguments for both sides of the Catholic mainstream viewpoints. And makes a case for a modern interpretation on confession. Each pope has a very contrasting philosophy as to the future direction of the Catholic faith. Francis is a traditional pope who has taken an unpopular direction and suffers disapproving numbers worldwide. Pope Benedict, on the other hand, wishes to be accessible to the people and to right some wrongs that seem to be dragging down the Catholic faith’s reputation. This is the list of Best Italian Movies on Netflix.